
Urgent Sales girl needed

Looking for 3 sales girl in handicrafts at Paro. For more information contact this number 77742848 or 77357829 Thank you

Office assistant vacancy available

Vacancy Announcement for kind information.. one office assistant in Rabgay FWRA at Gelephu with good knowledge in online applying.. And managing Office. Contact #17897900

Babysitter Vacancy available

Looking for 1 babysitter with class 8 qualification n will be provided with free housing and food For more details contact 17933161

Immediately need waiters

Immediately need waiter's at momo corner contact 17604617

Free security service training by Heruka Security Services

Heruka Security Services (HSS) is giving a free of cost 2 months training for Security Personnel starting from 20th of April 2018 for 15 females and 20 males: -free fooding and accommodation -bus fares provided (not taxi fares) by company -minimum qualification above class 6 or ex arm force or police can also apply -100% job after 2 months of training -must bring half photo, legal stamp,training shoes, important documents and your parents CID Interested Bhutanese can contact at 17679584  or visit to Bajo Town on KN HOtel for more details.

Sales boy / Sales girl Vacancy at Thimphu

Job vacancy for 4 sales girl or boy in Thimphu . The location of shop is in Olakha and Babesa. The shop is 8 heavan.   The provision period is 3 months with nu6000 as salary and after that you will get nu8000 and bonus according to your actions .  Timing is 10 am to 8:30 pm -9 pm la .  Please Contact - 17639119 .